Background: There were 800 individual case reports of urogenital foreign\nbodies in the English literature from 1755 to 1999. The use of urogenital\nforeign bodies for sexual pleasure is a common occurrence in todayâ??s population.\nThe aim of this discussion is the management of scrotal injury\ncaused by magnetic urogenital foreign bodies. Case Presentation:\n56-year-old male with scrotal tissue entrapped between two opposed magnet\nrings. Self-reported attempts at removal were unsuccessful and caused\nfor presentation to the emergency department. Additional attempts at removal\nby medical staff unsuccessful in emergency department and therefore\nthe patient proceeded to the operating room. Intraoperatively the use of two\ncardiac magnets allowed for removal without a need for invasive surgical\nprocedure. Conclusion: Cardiac magnets are preferred means of removal for\nentrapped skin between magnetic foreign bodies that could be utilized at the\nbedside.